A Holistic Approach
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurvedic, and additional global holistic care methods are unquestionably not intended to substitute or replace modern medicine, but they're there to give individuals the tools and knowledge to treat their own bodies according to distinctive needs. It's all founded on the principles of preventing disorders in the long term by improving not only a person's health but also their well-being, behavior, and state of mind.
Having the ability to hear and understand your body is imperative to your own personal health. Can you recall what it's told you today?
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Tried and Trued
At the beginning of 2016, I was at the prime of physical, mental, and emotional health, waking up feeling happy and refreshed every morning. It was a fantastic feeling I often take for granted...
Fast forward a few months and queue numerous fertility treatments, leaving the workforce, the birth of my daughter two years later, and the joy, horrors, and wonders of being a stay-at-home parent; thus, my once joyful mornings were no longer.
I woke up feeling achy, tired, exhausted even after a full night's rest--just blah all the time. The cord struck after finally using my third Nespresso machine to death. Visting my primary physician, who after doing their job at reviewing the proper labs and blood work, told me that there was nothing physically wrong. All my numbers were healthy, my hormones were happy, and I should pick up more hobbies, like walking or exercising to increase adrenaline.
"How can it be that I was physically healthy but I didn't feel it?" My mind raced throughout the day. "Was it mental?" I certainly didn't feel overwhelmed, just physically exhausted. As I laid to bed that evening I decided to play some relaxing ASMR videos on YouTube to help alleviate some of the anxiety and disbelief I had. Through there I fell into a black hole of natural medicine, holistic care, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Ayurvedic care videos.
After some time researching, I decided to consult a certified functional medicine physician to see what they had to say. After doing a new set of labs, we were able to pinpoint that a combination of poor nutrition and underlining stress were contributing to chronic inflammation.
With the appropriate dietary, lifestyle, and mindfulness changes, I was able to feel beyond amazing within a few months. No longer sluggish, tired, nor anxious; the same joyful bliss I once had returned.
That's when it occurred to me, being healthy isn't solely based on nutrition or exercise – life must factor in. Stress, emotions, sleep... it all makes an impact. For the betterment of yourself, you must address all those things. That's why I started to blog, to bring attention to the forgotten art of the holistic approach.
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